‘Welcome Cubans To The Land of Liberty and Opportunity’ says a welcome banner which hangs from the offices of the non-profit organization Cubanos en Libertad (Cubans in Liberty) in Laredo, Texas. Record numbers of Cubans have rushed across the U.S. border since the normalization between Washington and Havana.
Cubans fear that Obama’s asylum granting open door policy will shift to a more difficult and lengthy process, thus the rush is on.
These immigrants arrive with hands wide open, greeted by a Welcome Wagon that provides them with tax-payer funded benefits which include a Social Security card, food stamps, Medicaid and cash in hand. This storefront operation is set up by an Alejandro Ruiz, Cuban immigrant turned “refugee resettlement provider”. The services are provided free of charge and scheduled transportation to Miami and housing given.
Cubans are provided with the services free of charge in a storefront operation set up by a Cuban immigrant, who even provides housing and schedules transportation to Miami. It is reported that Ruiz is being subsidized by the taxpayers.
Read more on the following page about how the Obama Administration has helped created this frantic flood of Cuban.
This is where democracy can be the best system. It just takes ONE election to make things change (for the best I pray)
Saying Obama is a$#%&!@*would be a compliment. GO TRUMP!!!
Wait… I thought Cuba was a model society… According to Obama, America could learn a lot from their way of life…why are they coming here when they have it so much better at home?
I don’t believe it can be recovered! I hope with all my heart but I honestly think they will stop at NOTHING to keep in power!
Democrats are self serving traitors. NO MORE DEMOCRATS EVER
Can’t imagine why they want to leave Cuba, President couldn’t wait to take his family over there. There is something not right about this picture.
when is congress going to do it’s job and get rid our$#%&!@*pres. before he ruins and gives away the u.s. for good?????
All we can do is PRAY and turn it all back over to God. It’s time for this country return to protecting our citizens and borders.
Them bastards in the White House don’t go without their big pay. I wish we could throw them out.