The government hates cash for the same reason it hates anonymity. It makes it difficult to control people. Folks are able to engage in commerce freely, something that terrifies every good exponent of greater official control over the people’s lives. So we are regularly treated to noises about banning cash. Will one of these episodes of official criticism of cash eventuate in its abolition? Perhaps.
That cash can be used to evade taxes or facilitate illegal activities is true. But as the source of of this article points out, lots of things can be used to facilitate the commission of crimes including cars, phones, airplanes, and shoes. So far, there is no serious attempt to ban those proven facilitators of illicit activities. To that list of things that are often used in committing crimes I would add politicians. But that’s probably impolite. Or at lease inconvenient.
Let’s take a look at what venerable institutions such as central banks might have in mind for us.
Federal reserves contract was up in 2014. Legally there is no federal reserve or anything else like that. They bought off politicians to make it happen.
You mean how TRUMP WILL ban the federal reserve!!!! Them folks better hurry to the Obamass government gravy line
If they ban then they forfeit their currency administrative duties (illegally done anyway) and have USA TREASURY as rightful administrator of American currency
The Federal Reserve is a bank not controlled by the people or our government. We can just repeal the federal reserve act and go back to US notes or Silver Certificates! Let’s get rid of the federal reserve!
well here it is more Gov control.
I want an audit of the federal reserve. These jokers have way too much power and seem to answer to no one.
Lol duh online currancy
Let’s just get rid of the Federal Reserve
Have at look at whats happening in India with demonrtsation -will give you a glimpse of what happens when cash is banned.Trial ground zero.1
Anyone who tried was murdered. They own the world.