The government hates cash for the same reason it hates anonymity. It makes it difficult to control people. Folks are able to engage in commerce freely, something that terrifies every good exponent of greater official control over the people’s lives. So we are regularly treated to noises about banning cash. Will one of these episodes of official criticism of cash eventuate in its abolition? Perhaps.
That cash can be used to evade taxes or facilitate illegal activities is true. But as the source of of this article points out, lots of things can be used to facilitate the commission of crimes including cars, phones, airplanes, and shoes. So far, there is no serious attempt to ban those proven facilitators of illicit activities. To that list of things that are often used in committing crimes I would add politicians. But that’s probably impolite. Or at lease inconvenient.
Let’s take a look at what venerable institutions such as central banks might have in mind for us.
Screw this current Administration they are killing America
Send in an A-10 warthog to the oval office. Do it.
People will have to barter
It’s time for America to shut down the federal reserve. America needs its own money. If these fools do this, you can kiss your money good bye. They will drive the interest rate into the negative, which means all Americans will have to pay them to control
Our electronic money. High way robbery without a gun.
Hey, the current regime only hates cash unless they are delivering it to terrorists to help pay for WMD’s. Get your story straight!!!
Not gonna have to if he keeps letting terrorist in. He will take care of hisself. He’s got to be the stupidest human on the earth. Yes I know he’s a moose ham himself but a lot of these are just playing his game and hates him just like everybody else
Do not comply to illegal BS !
The Federal Reserve is clueless, they’re part of this administration that needs to be removed!
Dang ! That must be why that pos obuma is givin it away ALL THE TIME…smh
This will put every American citizen and human that uses cash at the mercy of the federal Reserve or should I day at the mercy of the Rothschilds