At this point, everybody yawns when people, usually self-loathing left-wing activists, compare America to Nazi Germany. In one particular instance, however, it is not some bleeding heart liberal making the charge.
Federal police officer Ronnie Hankins and his wife Lisa were driving home from his grandfather’s funeral when Virginia police pulled the couple over. Thinking that the officers wanted to ask about their out-of-state license plate or Lisa’s, being Hispanic, immigration status, the Hankins’ obeyed the hailing patrol car and parked on the side of the road.
After they were pulled over, the cops separated the two and began interrogating them. Lisa in particular was subjected to repeated attempts by an officer tied to the 23rd Judicial District Drug Task Force to consent to a search of their car. Knowing they were carrying no drugs and had done nothing wrong, Lisa refused, even as the officer kept pestering her for a “yes or no” answer.
Of course, her answer wouldn’t have mattered anyway, because the cops brought out a K-9 dog to sniff the vehicle. Signaling that there were drugs in the Hankins’ car, the police promptly searched it, although as Ronnie realized, it wasn’t drugs they were looking for.
See what the police were searching for on the next page:
What are you going to do about it? try this.
Come visit but follow our laws and most people will respect you for who you are. Have a good visit
Make sure you’re Voting republican, if you’re an independent voting for Trump, they will switch it to Jeb Bush, #PLEASE #REPUBLICAN #ONLY~~regardless what they tell you. Check to make sure your political party wasn’t #tampered with #ASAP~~#monkey #business. Remember we #NEED every vote~~ Our lives literately depend on it.
All I could think after ready this headline…. is how the$#%&!@*does any of us know how it felt to live in$#%&!@*germany
This is b******t, that gives all police a bad name
You generally find a totally different mentality between local law enforcement and federal law enforcement. The feds operate on a totally different level.
These are Federal Police???
I think every arrest should be recorded.. if not the judge should throw it out . its the only way to keep citizens safe .
Fruit of the poisonous tree
These bastards need fired now!