Once again the question as to whether Ted Cruz has a constitutional right to run for President of the United States is in the news. Donald Trump, who strongly pursued the argument that Obama was not an American citizen and therefore could not be President, is now stating a similar argument about Cruz.
On Twitter yesterday, Trump tweeted, “If Ted Cruz doesn’t clean up his act, stop cheating and doing negative ads, (I’ll) sue him for not being a natural born citizen.” He also tweeted, “Do Americans really want a Canadian born president? First non-native born in history?”, as well as “…natural born means born on American soil.”
Trump may not have to file suit as one has already been filed by five Cullman County, Alabama voters who are seeking a judgement stating that Ted Cruz is not eligible to run for President of the United States. They believe there is enough evidence that Cruz is a Canadian citizen and therefore not an American citizen.
Do they have a valid case? Read more on page two about the lawsuit against Ted Cruz.
That’s not the case Eyal, and any case brought against Cruz by Trump will fail, I’m sure he knows that. Trump’s objective is not to prove Cruz isn’t eligible, but to put that eligibility in question thus taking votes away from Cruz.
Again I just wanted to understand the background regardless trump. My wife is a history teacher and feel like this might not be the case in court. Regardless I can’t imagine someone running knowing he might get booted out.
they are born on soil that is designated us territory by that government that wants our protection or Ambassador.
What if you were out of the country pregnant had your baby say in South Korea would you baby be a citizen of South Korea or America
Good. It didn’t work on Obama but he had a forged birth certificate. Cruz doesn’t and is a Canadian citizen.
If Trump insists on following through with a law suit concerning Cruz’s eligibility to be President, I have not doubts in my mind he’ll loose. But he will have damaged Cruz, now that is dirty politics much worse than what happen to Carson.
I read the article. No where did it say Trump was the one that is doing this!
figures. after all, he IS a white man. never mind that he CAN prove he WAS born here by a mother who is a natural born citizen.
the answer is simple. YES.
He IS the Manchurian Candidate. the real live one, not the movie one. He is doing everything he can to destroy this nation before the end of this year.
don’t look now folks but we’re about to get lied to again