U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen from Texas has blocked President Obama’s executive action on immigration, which will give States time to stop Obama’s amnesty.
Although this comes as good news for those against Obama’s illegal action on immigration, the Hanen admits that there is virtually no chance that the immigrants would be returned to their country and that legalization of millions will likely go forward anyway.
david i would say it depends on what you bring and how you present yourself. the ego is the only thing that makes things illegal. i don’t want illegals swarming this country but the exodus already began even if his order is being challenged. in fact, i’m sure his order is being challenge so that people believe the exodus is not taking place yet. news flash it’s been happening for over one hundred years. when are you going to get your facts from somewhere other than news controlled by the system? the system makes your choices for you
I am now open for question am first hand experience.to the other world you guys are ignorant to
We should track the criminal illegals down and deport them no matter how long it takes because they broke the laws of our country. A criminal is a criminal.!!!!!!!
Praise God. Lets take our country back from Muslim Obama!
Maybe he has , but none were ILLEGAL.!!!!
yeeehaa get er done
Joshua Bostian smartest comment ive read so far
Good. The rule of law prevails. It will be tied up for the rest of his lousy term…finally
and for the record obama has deported more immigratns then any other president.
Finally someone understands the definition of illegal!