U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen from Texas has blocked President Obama’s executive action on immigration, which will give States time to stop Obama’s amnesty.
Although this comes as good news for those against Obama’s illegal action on immigration, the Hanen admits that there is virtually no chance that the immigrants would be returned to their country and that legalization of millions will likely go forward anyway.
I am illegal and I got granted D.A.C.A (deferred action for early childhood arrivals).I have always paid my taxes and p$#%&!@*ed all requirements to get my permit paid $500 plus fingerprint scans fee all to this country.now I drive with no worrys of getting pulled over by police
its true right eric woodell
And that judge came from Texas!! All other states are full of cowards!!!!
so the real reason pp are against this is because of the potention bul$#%&!@* blocking illegals can do in the future.no more holding us down
Haha $#%&!@* Obama
Somebody find me anything about “immigration”, “migration”, “ingress”, “entry” or the like in the Cons$#%&!@*ution. Anywhere. I have been asking this for years.
No, “naturalization” is not the same thing, unless you also believe that firearm possession is “interstate commerce”…
Not so, give them 48 hrs. Ago get out then hunt them down like the criminals they ate.
haha John Bendon proof read