U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen from Texas has blocked President Obama’s executive action on immigration, which will give States time to stop Obama’s amnesty.
Although this comes as good news for those against Obama’s illegal action on immigration, the Hanen admits that there is virtually no chance that the immigrants would be returned to their country and that legalization of millions will likely go forward anyway.
impeach isis
And until it get’s to his stacked court, it will be in limbo. Just like Voter Fraud, Fast & Furious, Benghazi, IRS, VA, Taliban on the run OH HELL LET’S JUST GO GOLFING!
about dam time
Finally—a Judge with Common Sense–and BALLS!
Fukk Obama Idc if he was Caucasian , korean, jewish, Irish, or Chinese he’s a $#%&!@* $#%&!@*ing up our country worse than his last predecessor smdh I wish I could personally impeach the sum $#%&!@*
ok if a judge in texas can block this why the hell isnt any judges willing to do this in pa they dont do a dam thing to even try to stop it
i just want to say thank you judge andrew our judges dont have the balls to do what you did so thank you again
Good someone needs too.!
It’s about time someone stands up to this a-hole. he is not a king aldo he thinks he is