The National Transportation Safety Board wants to begin a new prohibition of types. They’re urging states to decrease the legal driving limit to one drink. This means that the legal limit on blood-alcohol content would be lowered from .08 to .05 “or lower.” The agency, issued this recommendation while still not quite knowing the correlation between the amount of alcohol consumed and crash risk.
While alcohol was on the top of their complaint list, they also want to outlaw all cellphone use while driving, even hands free. There are several reasons why this would be a bad idea. Not only would it hurt a lot of businesses who funnel millions of dollars into hands free technology, it would open the door for outlawing navigation systems, in-car computers and even radios. If it’s the National Transportation Safety Board’s goal to completely eliminate distracted driving, they would be getting rid of everything that comes standard in most cars now.
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Most cities have a taxi service as well as the other companies like Uber.
Sounds great! you want my guns I am gonna allow them to take your alcohol, sounds totally fair since DRUNK driving kills more than guns do!
The STATES set The Legal Driving not the Socialist!
Double-edged sword…yes, drunk drivers are dangerous, cause accidents, hurt and kill others and maybe, themselves. Metabolisms are varied, one person may not be able to handle one drink while others can handle more. BUT, when you also consider that your first DUI arrest, court, attorney fees, probation fees, etc., will cost you over $10,000.00, you have to take into account that this is about filling the coffers and helping revenues.
they already have it NOW, if you blow ANY on the breathalyzer you ARE charged with DUI, or now the popular term “driving while impaired”. Although the “legal limit” is .09.
In Alberta it is .05
Boy is that gonna muck things up…they’d actually do better to raise the fines…You have to ask yourself who might be supporting this Uber? Lift? Not fair… I think a driver can be trusted at .05, .08 is fair
And how much alcohol is allowed in that one drink?!
Ya then one car one pop one cigar one piece of pie one cup of coffee, do ya get it Yet????