Since Obama took office the federal government has been adding regulations to the Federal Register at an incredible rate.
In fact, four out of the top five years of additions of federal regulations in US history has been under Obama.
Now the federal government consumes 31% of the US economy.
And, this has this recently seen a huge uptick…
Arrest ovomit for treason. Firing squad a good end for the traitor
Time to take.back this country
Federal Government is suppose to settle disputes between the states and look after our Military period, they need to be out of our lives.
He needs vacations!
Stop all the feds and their programs. Vote and take our country back///
someone new needs to take office before we get a hitler in office
It’s ALL by design of the Obama administration & deliberately intended to KILL the economy & infrastructure of the United States! They mean to bring America & it’s citizens to their knees!!
DICK TATERS????????????????????????????
Read “Synagogue of Satan” by Andrew Carrington Hitch$#%&!@*.
right cuz OBAMA is the problem… -___- it looks like you too have been duped into the “left, right” illusion… its two wings of the same beast morons… had the other idiot won office, this post would be the SAME except w a different name. See how easy it is to divide us amongst ourselves?? its also how u maintain perpetual war… we need* nothing short of a revolution…