Since Obama took office the federal government has been adding regulations to the Federal Register at an incredible rate.
In fact, four out of the top five years of additions of federal regulations in US history has been under Obama.
Now the federal government consumes 31% of the US economy.
And, this has this recently seen a huge uptick…
legislation by regulation was a big reason people came to America and were willing to die for independence, it is now time to restart that fight here.
Not surprising
Biggg Government in Washington..!!
he needs to be taken out of office , but sadly he surrounded himself with socialist , communist thinking people , ever hear a lot of the names working in the whitehouse , not exactly household American names
Restore America back to the People! Impeach B.O.&, try for treason and put him in prison
Time for a flush. Get rid of all of ’em and start again from scratch.
This corruption needs to be stopped! Hitler all over again…. only in america!!
Ridiculous. Most of these regulations should be thrown out.
We are being taken to the cleaners in a hand basket. Thanks to a do nothing congress, and justice dept. as they aren’t doing their job correctly either.
I wonder what there going to do when our tax dollar run out.He can take example from our big cities when your tax base runs out your broke.