Since Obama took office the federal government has been adding regulations to the Federal Register at an incredible rate.
In fact, four out of the top five years of additions of federal regulations in US history has been under Obama.
Now the federal government consumes 31% of the US economy.
And, this has this recently seen a huge uptick…
I always equate it to a cancer, it will just keep growing and spreading until it finally kills it’s host.
the legal % of any businessman profit…40% goes to uncle SAM
They keep killing innocent babies who is going to support them ?? And they need to cut their own pay the lavish vacations and life style
Cut the head off !!!
You CAN’T lose with CRUZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To pay Israel and Colombia .
$15 Billion every 12 months .
And they run the printing presses 24/7!!!
I fear the end is near —————
ALWAYS remembe that the federal government ONLY consumes, it does not generate wealth.
Add on how much the state chews up, the county and the that you live in. Not much left, I bet,