Even though Wal-Mart is a colossal money maker, it barely pays it’s workers enough to live comforably, forcing employees to go on food stamps, Medicaid and other social welfare programs.
Wal-Mart pulls in $36 million dollars per hour – being the largest seller of food in the world. Yet, they don’t take care of their employees.
Through your tax dollars you are, in essence, handing a Wal-Mart cashier your money but not even getting so much as an empty bag in return.
Is it because Walmart’s future plans is fema [ gov ] concentration camps for martial law? YES
Drain the swamp. Go Trump!!
Soros owns it!!! Follow the money
Soros owns it!!! Follow the money!
The government should not give them anything .Walmart created the mess our economy has been going through by killing the competition.Sears,Kmart,JC Penny,Macy’s ,all the mom and pop grocers .Walmart may be 8 percent of our economy but now they are cutting back on their employees and have plans to end their night shifts.That means daytime employees do all the work and guess what happens to customer service ? Hell their customer service sucks now so just wait until they screw a couple hundred in each store out of a job and they dbl the work load of the day time help
It’s food stamp card payments , I’d say .
But we need to practice buying at other stores , if we don’t Wal-Mart’s will run out all the compatition and hike prices so high that we want be able to buy anything .
At least they are working. They could be at home sitting on their behind! When government starts telling everyone they have to pay more and more they just drive people out of business, prices go up so people have a hard time making ends meet. Government getting in free enterprise only makes things worse.
They should not get this I make plenty of profit in the billions every year and they don’t even have most of their employees at full-time so screw them no more money to them and make them pay us back them pay it back for the Last 5 Years with interest
No that’s WinCo not Walmart