Even though Wal-Mart is a colossal money maker, it barely pays it’s workers enough to live comforably, forcing employees to go on food stamps, Medicaid and other social welfare programs.
Wal-Mart pulls in $36 million dollars per hour – being the largest seller of food in the world. Yet, they don’t take care of their employees.
Through your tax dollars you are, in essence, handing a Wal-Mart cashier your money but not even getting so much as an empty bag in return.
All of this, and yet the democratic city councils in California still let Walmart stores come into their cities to help shut down local Mom and Pop stores. All for the mighty tax dollars that support the illegals they allow to cross over into our borders everyday. Money talks. They don’t care about legal Citizens.
There billionaires and taxpayers are paying them why not just tell america I am here to$#%&!@*you
This is what globalism looks like. Get used to it people. The top wealthiest assholes, oops I mean people, making millions while the rest of us remain poor and barely getting by working our fingers to the bone. Besides now Wal-Mart can afford those many many facial recognition cameras all over the store.
Cut them off!!
That’s cause people use their ebt cards at Wal-Mart for food.
This sounds like a liberal hit piece they never mentioned how much they pay in taxes. I also find it ironic that those who are trying as hard as they can to destroy Christian values quote it to make a point. Very sad I also know some people that work at Wal-Mart and guess what they are glad to have a job
I agree Kathy C
Needs to stop.
no more welfare for profit company they either turn a profit or they go broke