Even though Wal-Mart is a colossal money maker, it barely pays it’s workers enough to live comforably, forcing employees to go on food stamps, Medicaid and other social welfare programs.
Wal-Mart pulls in $36 million dollars per hour – being the largest seller of food in the world. Yet, they don’t take care of their employees.
Through your tax dollars you are, in essence, handing a Wal-Mart cashier your money but not even getting so much as an empty bag in return.
Better than giving it to illegals and refugees.
I used to work for wal mart so many things this story doesn’t even touch on, like how they clock you out for a break that you never take, how they endanger their employees by ignoring safety standards or denying their employees safety gear. If the general public only knew about their food safety conditions they wouldn’t buy their food there either.
Even Satan can quote scripture, and that is what we have here.
walmart SUCKS !!!
Maybe they should pay them $15 like McDonald’s…lol
If walike mart is not playing with and for America stop all aide
Why? Sounds absurd.
Shut them down! !!!