Even though Wal-Mart is a colossal money maker, it barely pays it’s workers enough to live comforably, forcing employees to go on food stamps, Medicaid and other social welfare programs.
Wal-Mart pulls in $36 million dollars per hour – being the largest seller of food in the world. Yet, they don’t take care of their employees.
Through your tax dollars you are, in essence, handing a Wal-Mart cashier your money but not even getting so much as an empty bag in return.
What the. Wal-Mart is rich enough. NO $$$ TO THEM AMYMORE. No wonder they cater to the frms. And the do called elites
I work at Wal-Mart and pay is just above crappy and work load is very heavy. But don’t get welfare. Many of just work a 2nd job.
To help pay for the retards that work there.
This article is leftyfreak b******t. Walmart isn’t getting paid one cent of that money this article says it is. Your tear jerker article says Walmart already pays employees enough to live comfortably, so why the hell are they eligible for welfare and food stamps to start with?
This nanny state trash must stop. The whole welfare state must be eliminated. If that isn’t done soon, the welfare state trash will kill the whole country and they there will be no more welfare state anyway. You leftyfreaks are an evil bunch.
You are right it is propaganda. But many of Wal-Mart employees do get benefits. To avoid a 2nd job. They find someway to qualify.not sure how.But many of my fellow associates do get benefits.
I know SEVERAL people that work at Walmart including our local Distribution Center. Not one single person I know that works there had a gun put to their head and forced to work for them !!!
Payoff for all of the stores converted into FEMA re-education camps ?
Can someone make President Trump aware of this to investigate or whoever’s job it should be….some intelligence agency. Wait, that would be Obama’s darlings! Boycott, as who needs da ‘Wally World’?