Even though Wal-Mart is a colossal money maker, it barely pays it’s workers enough to live comforably, forcing employees to go on food stamps, Medicaid and other social welfare programs.
Wal-Mart pulls in $36 million dollars per hour – being the largest seller of food in the world. Yet, they don’t take care of their employees.
Through your tax dollars you are, in essence, handing a Wal-Mart cashier your money but not even getting so much as an empty bag in return.
lib lies again
There’s a difference between what the headline says and what the story says. The story says that the “welfare” paid to Wal-Mart is the assistance its employees receive (food stamps, housing assistance, Medicaid etc.) because they don’t get a decent wage. Not that the vast majority of Republicans are against all of these programs and any regulations on Wal-Mart in the first place. THIS is modern American capitalism.
For shame
What a nerve. We should stop this practice asap.
Irs them now
Wow, talk about Liberal f**e spin. WalMart doesn’t get ANY money from the government, the employees do (in fact they PAY the government tons of taxes). While the article implies that it is talking about full time employees, in fact any full time WalMart employee with more than 1 year service makes too much to receive social services. Only part time employees qualify for welfare. This is more $15 propaganda.
Stop subsidizing Wally World!
Good God! Get educated. Most of you talk out of your$#%&!@*