Even though Wal-Mart is a colossal money maker, it barely pays it’s workers enough to live comforably, forcing employees to go on food stamps, Medicaid and other social welfare programs.
Wal-Mart pulls in $36 million dollars per hour – being the largest seller of food in the world. Yet, they don’t take care of their employees.
Through your tax dollars you are, in essence, handing a Wal-Mart cashier your money but not even getting so much as an empty bag in return.
Does anyone know why for real or is this more f**e news?
No, they don’t. The theory of this article is jacked. You shouldn’t degrade your page by posting this garbage.
Company’s who pay so little that the employees need welfare to survive are nothing more than CORPERATE WELFARE LEECHES!
it’s not welfare it’s call tax cuts, to help the worthless, uneducated, people who just show up for a pay check(about 80% of the people).
The theory of this article is that Wal-Mart intentionally keeps wages low, because they know the federal government will support the employees with government assistance. And Wal-Mart has been a target of liberals for a while. Other brick and mortar retailers pay the same as Wal-Mart, but do not get mentioned because they have not been vilified for a decade or so.
This article conveniently includes Earned Income Tax Credits as part of this calculation. EITC is paid to 19% of all Americans who file tax returns. It cost the US $56 billion in 2013 (likely more this year). And the IRS estimates that 28% of all payments are made in error (money sent to folks not really eligible). Some of that 28% is going to be fraud, but some is also innocent. The laws are Byzantine in complexity, so the innocent misapplication of eligibility should not be a surprise.
Depending on the number of children, EITC can be claimed by a married couple with income up to $48,340.
This article (and about a dozen others in various publications) is intended to create a groundswell of support for an increase in the minimum wage. The inclusion of EITC – designed specifically to assist the working poor – is intended to make the problem look worse than it is. The attack on only Wal-Mart as a brick-and-mortar retailer is a liberal dog whistle. The “sudden” appearance of a dozen articles with the same content smacks of coordination by a propaganda machine, not a free press.
The theory of this article is that you are sheep and will not question what they publish. And then they can herd you into that golden utopia where they live like rock stars and the rest of you live like serfs.
Good luck with that.
You have the freedom of choice to work or not work there. You also have the freedom of choice to go to school for a better education and a better job with more pay.
You got to be kidding, and the Waltons are billionares !
It the system people has learned how to use it for there benefits they should have to claim this on their taxes at the end of the year