According to a solicitation released on Dec. 4th, the Treasury Dept. is about to spend $200,000 on survival kits for all employees who oversee the federal banking system.
Every major bank in the U.S. will receive one of these kits, which includes water-purification tablets, a solar blanket, food, dust mask, a 12 hr. light stick, a 33-piece personal first aid kit and other survival items.
he survival kits must come in a fanny-pack or backpack that can fit all of the items, including a 33-piece personal first aid kit with “decongestant tablets,” a variety of bandages, and medicines.
The kits must also include a “reusable solar blanket” 52 by 84 inches long, a 2,400-calorie food bar, “50 water purification tablets,” a “dust mask,” “one-size fits all poncho with hood,” a rechargeable lantern with built-in radio, and an “Air-Aid emergency mask” for protection against airborne viruses.
Survival kits will be delivered to every major bank in the United States including Bank of America, American Express Bank, BMO Financial Corp., Capitol One Financial Corporation, Citigroup, Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Company, and Wells Fargo.
Items will also be delivered to OCC offices across the country, from Champaign, Ill. to Billings, Mont. The agency also has offices in Sioux City, Iowa; Joplin, Mo.; and Fargo, N.D.
The mission of the OCC is to “ensure that national banks and federal savings associations operate in a safe and sound manner, provide fair access to financial services, treat customers fairly, and comply with applicable laws and regulations.”
The agency has roughly 3,814 employees, each of which would receive a survival kit. The staff includes “bank examiners” who provide “sustained supervision” of major banks in the United States.
“Examiners analyze loan and investment portfolios, funds management, capital, earnings, liquidity, sensitivity to market risk for all national banks and federal thrifts, and compliance with consumer banking laws for national banks and thrifts with less than $10 billion in assets,” the OCC website explains. “They review internal controls, internal and external audit, and compliance with law. They also evaluate management’s ability to identify and control risk.”
It is not clear why the Treasury Department is ordering the kits. Contracts for survival kits are usually made for the military, or law enforcement such as the FBI.
The OCC did not return request for comment before publication of this story.
Only if you’re just now seeing the fact that the world’s elite are planning on forcing a one world government. Plus you got to understand the true banking and mainly the federal reserves operations. Look at it like this, if I loaned you a 100 dollars 60 years ago, would you think it’s an even deal to give me 100 dollars back tomorrow? Definitely not, the value has changed so drastically. It’s like getting back 5 bucks. The reserve loaned all them trillions out to basically buy political power and get major countries at their mercy. The bought our world while we been having our attention diverted towards other c**p like 9-11 which the USA government planned and executed. It’s not that far stretched. Look into it. See the 11 steps Hitler did to take over Germany and close their society. All are in place here in the United States and United Kingdom and other places. It’s going down.
They are scared cause Americans are finally seeing the truth and they are scared, (the government)! We hold the true key to that house on Pennsylvania Ave. We can fired whoever we choose.
OK Mikky., when we are eating I will be thinking of you! Not
Survival food is your must.
June 12th, 15 is the day.
Break the pills in half next time Charlotte and go back to enjoying the anal.
good amount
some thing is in the wind. what about the general public where are their suvival kits? how come every american citizen has not received one?
This sounds like they expect attack from a source that would make the employees have to remain in the bank over an extended time. Domestic terrorist couldn’t make them that uncomfortable I wouldn’t think. Outside terrorist such as ISIL/ ISIS or some sort of chemical attack sounds more like it.
financial crisis and a bank takeover….with the support of our gov’t…