Next month Congress will decide whether or not to renew the Patriot Act that made the NSA’s enormous spy program possible – but a federal appeals court has just made a determination regarding how the NSA has interpreted the act, and it doesn´t look good for the agency.
I have no problem being spied on. I live a very dull boring life.
Have them review all communications.
Is Barack Obama an American citizen.
Who killed the physician the sign that.
Time to bring Snowden home to face his public trial. Not the secret trial the NSA demands.
Snowden should be thanked….. a lot of this tyranical behaviour was brought to light by him, end the patriot act, and disband the nsa…….
Ya think???
and they continue to do it. get some guts, Washington and put a stop to obama.
FBI also in a bad way for unlawful air surveillance in New York.
only of suspected of illegal crimaianls drug dealers,not on everyday people that have been honest all their lives1 How can it be effective when this admisistration won’t call terrorist ,terrorist?
do you think they will stop
the problem is that they are spying on the wrong people! Church groups and the Tea Party are NOT the enemy for crying out loud!