Next month Congress will decide whether or not to renew the Patriot Act that made the NSA’s enormous spy program possible – but a federal appeals court has just made a determination regarding how the NSA has interpreted the act, and it doesn´t look good for the agency.
So when does it stop, and will the data they have be destroyed ? If the data is not destroyed, What the hell difference does the ruling make ?
no $#%&!@*!
Yeah, no $#%&!@*. What are they going to do about it? Probably give them a chance to re-word what they’re doing and then it’ll be legal.
And they were right!
Seabreeze church of LIERS thugs and a holes
This church is run by godless b!tches
18162 Gothard St
Huntington Beach Ca 92648
Kinda like a no brainer,uh?
And it should be anyone that was for it should be removed from office immediately
Did they ever follow the rules before? Why would they now?
I pray congress doesn’t let us down! The NSA should be shut down, and all the illegal data that was gathered should be destroyed! No more patriot act!
Praise. God