A federal appeals court has intervened on the side of Sheriff Joe Arpaio in a case pertaining to his efforts to enforce America’s immigration laws.
Overturning a judgement from a previous ruling, the court lifted an injunction placed on workplace raids conducted by the Maricopa County sheriff. Justified as a necessary measure to track down illegal immigrants who use fake ID’s and stolen Social Security numbers to work, the raids have drawn criticism from liberals and pro-immigrant activists.
Determined to keep Arpaio from carrying out such raids, Puente Arizona, the ACLU and other left-wing groups filed a lawsuit against him, County Attorney Bill Montgomery and the state government in 2014, which resulted in District Court Judge David Campbell barring the defendants from apprehending illegals on the job.
Unfortunately for the defendants, the appeals court found their claims without merit and disposed of the order, allowing Arpaio to resume the raids after a period of 21 days.
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Bernie Sanders has Heart & Soul agreement! Same messages for THE PEOPLE for 40 years. Hillary: Heart confusion (“learning moments” needs “to evolve”) and no Soul ($$$$$$). This defines the entirety of their political careers. Bernie is right; $15. CA & NY agree. Judgment comes from a leader, not a follower. Bernie leads the way for Hillary time and again with judgment. He is a leader because he is free to exercise superior judgement, as he is owned by no one. Hillary’s negative attention is divisive and has no place for progress. Bengazi, emails, paid speeches, being protested by grass roots orgs like Code Pink (for being a war hawk) and BLM (her racist past), and they are democrats! The GOP despise her more than Obama. When they start obstructing her uncomfortable, newly adopted, “democrat”, Bernie-lite stances, she will default down to Obama 2.0 >>> Aim low, fail lower! She has less public service experience than Bernie, in and out of office, and less success crossing the aisle. Bernie earned a bi-partisan nick name “The Amendment King” while in the House for getting things done with both sides. Hillary’s bi-partisan nick name is “flip flop” = red flags smacking across your face. Worst of all, her experience / voting record is, frankly, atrocious. A ball & chain for progress. So vote with purpose and a semblance of understanding for judgment, qualifications, and a stellar record. Voting for gender and celebrity is shallow and portrays democrats as clueless simpletons. We are better than that.
Great job thank you.
Get over it because the Democrats will FORCE you to vote for Clinton.
Get use too Clinton because you will be forced to vote for her and Sanders supporters have no other choice.
Thank you, Jesus!
We need more law enforcement who are committed to upholding the laws in America like this man does.
Love this guy.. Keep up the good work..
No none of you are better than that !!!
Free everything for everyone ,right ? So who’s gonna pay for all that free$#%&!@*?
Good job arpio !!!