The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver ruled earlier last year that a police chief can order his subordinates to attend Islamic mosques where Muslims “discussed Islamic beliefs, Muhammad, Mecca, and why and how Muslims pray” and even encouraged officers “to buy” Islamic books and materials.
you’d just have to go’head n lock my Christian ass up…
This is BS. A PO is not allowed to discuss his own beliefs but forced to attend a religious meeting? I’m sick and tired of toadying to liberals! I kept my son home when a “field trip” went to a Mosque and the Iman was going to “bless them” in Arabic. Yeah; right!
This is so wrong not everyone is a muslin never will be an they are trying to change us No matter what Hell No make then attend Christian services
then in all fairness muslims must attend other church’s services
Guess they will have to go to other terrorism-sponsoring houses of worship to elicit their views as well. Next, the Buddhists! (Just kidding…)
I thought we came to America for FREEDOM OF RELIGION!!!!!
This is unlawful, unconstitutional and why the courts should be held accountable!
really bull c**p mabythey should join a muslim country if they want to act like him i ment them
Federal Courts like obama have gone way too far..
Over reaching their authority…its acts like this that will surely be an element causing a revolution in America. Americans…better think twice about voting for a liberal in the November Elections !
This is fiction.