The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver ruled earlier last year that a police chief can order his subordinates to attend Islamic mosques where Muslims “discussed Islamic beliefs, Muhammad, Mecca, and why and how Muslims pray” and even encouraged officers “to buy” Islamic books and materials.
What the hell is happening in the U.S.A. Are we all to be muslim? I for one believe in Jesus and no ass hole in the white will ever make me lose my faith. That and all of congress. The arabs have a holy war, why don’t we as Christian have one
I sure am glad Jesus is coming back soon
No one should be forced to take part in any religion
The federal courts,just like the federal government is out of control!They don’t have the power to do crazy things like this!
That’s a bunch of c**p! This is America, no one can force someone to do what they don’t want!
This out of control. Send back to their muslim countries.
I would tell that boss you first $#%&!@*
Giving me such an order would not end well for anyone….
That’s ok, considerng all these USA?? judges, leaders, whatever you want to call them, will be blindsided by such c**p. I will not be forced into the Islamic Mafia!!!!!!!!!!! But these leaders will get what they ask for. What goes around comes around. They will be bowing their own head, etc., to some imaginary moon god. His name is allah, with a litte a.