The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver ruled earlier last year that a police chief can order his subordinates to attend Islamic mosques where Muslims “discussed Islamic beliefs, Muhammad, Mecca, and why and how Muslims pray” and even encouraged officers “to buy” Islamic books and materials.
W T F ?????
They need to keep fighting this. I think they need to tell the muslims, that they need to attend the Christian church in return, as a show of good Faith!
They will take over and destroy us like they have the Middle East, if we allow it to continue!! When you have the president who is a muslim, federal judges favoring their agendas and protection, police state America crying for minorities and allowing this absurd type of action to ensue against Christian Americans – it all tells a sad sad pathetic tale towards what is to become of this once great land!! You have a Muslim attorney for a president with all his cronies voted in that are also attorneys!! His cabinet and 30-40% of some of the top federal officials being Muslim, what do you think is going to happen. When it’s too late , that’s when the other dumb ass Americans will wanna take a chance and fight!! THEN ITS TOO LATE!!! They will overrun consume and destroy all Christian/ infidel beliefs!!! Look it up- whites have like 1.88 kids per couple on average as a whole race , blacks have 3-4 per couple Mexicans have 3-5 and Muslims have 9+ kids per couple but also have 5-10 wives!!!!!!! That’s , at it’s highest, 90 kids per male!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE THE F$&K UP YOU INCOMPETENT RETARDS!!!!!
Remember Obama in 2008 Spent Millions of Tax Payer dollars to Allow A Very Large number of Palestinians ( All Muslims ) to Immigrate here from Palestine” Now they will just Multiply like rabbits, and there goes OUR COUNTRY!
Who was the Judge, Abdul Mohamed???
I don’t believe this
What the hell is going on here? We still have freedom of religious, RIGHT?
Is this not the most ridiculous thing?Not really i guess.There has been about 100 of this kind of thing going on the last 6 years.I wonder why?????????
DAMMIT!!!! When is this B.S. gonna be stopped! Last time I looked, thsi was A M E R I C A!!!!!!