The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver ruled earlier last year that a police chief can order his subordinates to attend Islamic mosques where Muslims “discussed Islamic beliefs, Muhammad, Mecca, and why and how Muslims pray” and even encouraged officers “to buy” Islamic books and materials.
Barbara Latty, I made the same statement just the other day. It’s high time someone called them out and did the reverse. I’m so sick of this “indoctrination” garbage!!
Corrupt politics
Wait a minute! There is not enough information here. Why did the chief order him to go there? Was he trying to get them to convert or was he trying to gain intelligence? Knowledge is power!
W.T.H.!!!! Despicable===========!!!!!
get out of our USA …you 10th court of appeals Judge.. and he is the one judging on Gay marriage law..for utah and doesn’t even live here
That’s B. S. !!!
what is happining to our country they need to send obama and his muslim friends back to the middle east god is going to come down hard on this country if we do not stop this remember sodom and gamora get my point
We have been invaded at so many levels. the treason is rampant.