The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver ruled earlier last year that a police chief can order his subordinates to attend Islamic mosques where Muslims “discussed Islamic beliefs, Muhammad, Mecca, and why and how Muslims pray” and even encouraged officers “to buy” Islamic books and materials.
This court of appeals is a ‘joke!’ Haven’t they heard of the ‘freedom of religion? and civil rights?’ They ALL need removed from the bench and sent back to law school—one that will teach the CONSTITUTION!!! People need to petition to have them removed, and this officer needs to file suit against them for violating his freedom and civil rights!!!
I would shove my glock and badge up their communist moslem loving asses and walk out ‘
Too many so called “Americans” are buying into this new cause of the Left to “Love thy Muslim”. I’m sick and tired or all this forced ass kissing of Muslims. Do these morons remember 9/11? This desire to suck up to Muslims and give them preferential status is disgusting. Any Americans that subscribe to the new cause celeb of the left should be treated like the traitors that they are.
i suggest you impeach obummer for treason and murder,fire and run out of this country anyone who thinks they can force anything on americans
this country has gone to hell
what the hell is wrong with the courts?if they tried to do that to a muslim they’d go to jail
In return to be forced to attend and buy Muslim books, could the Christian solder bring Christian prayer books or Rosary’s and crosses for sale ?
they are doiing a job on us and our leaders let it happen if they force this on us why can they not be forced to listen to Christian teachings our Govt is letting Islam take over because we have one as a President and it makes my stomach turn knowing what is taking place those that voted for Obama I hope your happy because what is going to happen to you woman and children is totally evil
They can shove it where the sun dont shine!!!