The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver ruled earlier last year that a police chief can order his subordinates to attend Islamic mosques where Muslims “discussed Islamic beliefs, Muhammad, Mecca, and why and how Muslims pray” and even encouraged officers “to buy” Islamic books and materials.
B”””””” S”””””
This is an unjust ruling by a Federal Judge, it places the Government into forcing one religion over all the rest and also makes the Constitution look like a piece of toilet paper…According to the first Amendment Congress cannot make a law respecting an establishment of religion…So how can a Federal Judge force Law Enforcement officers to go and take part in a religion they have no part in either its worship or its teachings… This judge is a fluke and needs to be disbarred and thrown out of office with out benefits…
Why? What hammened to freedom in the USA?
Another freedom gone!
Would Muslim police staff be required to attend a Christian Educational event for the same reasons? Another question, how many Muslim officers is there?
oh yea… try reading our bible in our schools hong cong dumb A__….
I would not give you 2 cents for our courts now. Obama has poisoned this country.
Now our courts are forcing police to attend Muslim activities. Why?
Nucking Futz!
THIS IS BULL$#%&!@* CHRISTIANS DO NOT BOW BEFORE ANY OTHER FALSE GOD. Don’t do it, take the punishment instead. Do not turn your back on God.
This is WRONG!!! What happened to Religious freedom?? What is the purpose of forcing police to attend Muslim activities? Why not
Christian activities?