The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver ruled earlier last year that a police chief can order his subordinates to attend Islamic mosques where Muslims “discussed Islamic beliefs, Muhammad, Mecca, and why and how Muslims pray” and even encouraged officers “to buy” Islamic books and materials.
BAN ISLAM/MUSLIM! It is NOT a Religion, It’s a Cult!
this is bull$#%&!@* this is America not some RUG-HUGGING Muslim country GOD BLESS AMERICA
Outrageous! Will they be required to attend a Synagogue? A Catholic Church? A Baptist Church? I think we need a law suit over this
Well Let’s see? They want?! 1) to replace our flag! for theirs 2) they want to eliminate our pledge to replace the there alah! 30 they want remove all saying about our pledge! (In God we trust!) to replace our $$ for theirs! and pledge their Alah!
Thats another judge that needs to be sent down the road sounds like a real stupid judge but then again we have lots of them
But they dont have to bow to the pig Allah. Instead they can urinate on the floor and spread excretement on the walls. Might as well decorate the place like it was meant to be. And of course they should leave behind hog skins and hog intestines.
Any questions!
Denver Colorado should never ever vote for a democrat my God they refused to investigate what and who islam are they have one or two they “know” well got news for you for over 4 years a friend and i hired him on and off for sound work when needed she because she did nothing but sound and me who did movies and needed sound work. We were warned that he was a muslim and make sure we were never alone with him. We both thought that was not true as he was most polite did excellent work and treated eveyone with utmost respect he was one of the “good” muslims. Well one saturday she was doing inventory when he “stopped by” and asked if he could help her as her crew would soon be there and as he was always so respectiful she said sure he raped beat sodimize until re crew showed,. NEVER EVER VOTE OF THE IGNORANCE AND STUPIDITY OF A DEMOCRAT.
Then why has christian prayer been removed from our public places?GOD BLESS AMERICA AND IT’s Military.