The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver ruled earlier last year that a police chief can order his subordinates to attend Islamic mosques where Muslims “discussed Islamic beliefs, Muhammad, Mecca, and why and how Muslims pray” and even encouraged officers “to buy” Islamic books and materials.
It will never go over here in the USA. If folks are trying to provoke the citizens of the USA then watch out, you might look over your shoulder. That includes the police.
Um no!
Have you ever wondered why muslims always have their a** stuck up in the air ??????
oh yeah and who is going to make them, Death to all muslim pigs.
Will its not Gods way, the Bible says to bow down to no man. HE IS THE KING OF KINGS
Not Obama or any of his brotherhood.
Out right Bull $#%&!@*. Religion should not be forced on anyone,
$#%&!@* the Government telling someone they must attend Muslim services!!!! That is unconstitutional!!!!! But Obama regime dont honor Constitution!
If this is true, it is very frightening…
Not right, what is wrong with that federal Court, they keep saying no religion in schools or workplace so how can they force someone to go to a Mosque. Stupid!!!!!