The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver ruled earlier last year that a police chief can order his subordinates to attend Islamic mosques where Muslims “discussed Islamic beliefs, Muhammad, Mecca, and why and how Muslims pray” and even encouraged officers “to buy” Islamic books and materials.
Others to do likewise!
get um while they,re down
If they can force a non-Muslim to attened Muslim things then, in the same right they should be able to force Muslims to attend Christian events, like for instance a Christmas Mass.
This so called judge has got to go!!!!!!!
I tell them go to hell don’t do it
That judges election can’t come soon enough!
And it just non-American ta boot,idiots like this need to be put on a rail, straight to Guantanamo !!!
$#%&!@* THAT !!!!
If they force them to go then they can’t stop them from taking a dump in there on the prayer rugs as well!
You cannot be forced to attend a religious service or church. 1st amendment violations abound. See you in appellate court
Damn bunch of retards.