The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver ruled earlier last year that a police chief can order his subordinates to attend Islamic mosques where Muslims “discussed Islamic beliefs, Muhammad, Mecca, and why and how Muslims pray” and even encouraged officers “to buy” Islamic books and materials.
$#%&!@* YOU..
Another bull$#%&!@* post
This is getting out of hand. Muslims have no right to request or receive the right to make such demands. Muslims are the sworn enemy of Christians and need to be thrown out of our Country, not bowed down to.
No Sharia law in America, not in our Constitution. .
What happened to freedom of religion? Looks like Michigan.
Colorado has gone to hades
It’s about time we American’s grew a back bone and take our country back.
Islamization in the US shall never stop unless Barry Soetoro is stepping down. Just read potusdata at scridb
that’s what comes out the a**s of a bull.
Really want to know about all the deceptions, showing the American Work Ethic Talking to themselves who’s watching so is IAM ECCLESIASTES 12:13,14 Are you aware of the Arian Heresy? hack AND SLASH
Muhammad starts to take Advantage, during the Decline of the Roman Empire under Heraclion. In order to have a plausible start he proclaimed loudly that those contentions of the Arian’s, Catholics and Jews had brought on the disasters of the Roman Empire.
Then under the counsel of an Arian monk called Sergius and some Jews, he wrote up a harmony of the Catholic,Arian and Jewish doctrine which he called the Koran.
And in order that there might be and end of the contentions, he ordered that fire and the sword be sought against those who rejected that Compromise.
And thus Arius gave occasion for the blasphemous reign of Mohammad, in which the Son of God is subjected every day even now to insult.
From Loci Theologici by Martin Chemnitz.
Moon god and Archeology