Coercion was the tool of choice in getting Common Core implemented in all the states. It was arm twisting, with a dose of blackmail, that is, if the states wanted the federal funding from Race to the Top, then they had to implement Common Core. It was a forced adoption and not one that “grew organically in its development.” One page two, one will find how this Federal manipulation occurred in spite of how it hurts the children.
Just put in schools to confuse kid, part of indoctrination from government. Get rid of it.
They are doing it little by little, part of indocuument ion
For brainwashing the children !
Ty for the comments &:likes
Yes common core is the most st
It should be called the dumbing down of our children! It is nothing short of communist teaching. All parents need to hit their school boards where it is being taught and demand they stop teaching it. Americans have become to complacent.
But Mike, you are right. The common core is optional. If a dchool is teaching it, it’s because the STATE accepted it.
What is wrong with common core? Have you read the standards? Here’s one you should have learned in school:
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
P.S. That’s a 6th grade standard
Then why have some states done away with it!