Coercion was the tool of choice in getting Common Core implemented in all the states. It was arm twisting, with a dose of blackmail, that is, if the states wanted the federal funding from Race to the Top, then they had to implement Common Core. It was a forced adoption and not one that “grew organically in its development.” One page two, one will find how this Federal manipulation occurred in spite of how it hurts the children.
Originated in Texas where the books are chosen for the schools. States should determine their own. It would make the books more expensive but more relevant to the needs of each individual state.
Treason for obumba. Treason.Take back our country
School Choice for all our children, give them a chance to succeed, not continue Public School failures.
Why do the Democrats and Republicans fight so hard to establish control of Education in the USA?
Common core is horrid, my son is in first grade and the way they do math is now confusing than calculus
Common Core was found under Republican George W. Bush, not President Obama
Common Core is stupid. Why do all of those extra steps in math to add or subtract instead you can easily add or subtract the numbers together?
All states can stop this! The federal government cannot tell states what to implement in their schools!