Who votes against BACON? Prisoners are no longer getting pork for any of their meals, as the Federal Bureau of Prisons have cut the pork. Literally, all pork gone. Bureau of Prisons spokesman Ed Ross says that a survey was take of the inmate population and bacon was voted out.
One inmate stated that the lack of pork was due to Muslim inmates complaining. Ross said it was a fiscal matter and that religious meals are accommodated, but really, how many inmates would vote against bacon? Read more pork trimming on page 2.
The government shall make no law about any religion, desperation of church and state. what part of this do they not under stand.
Force feed them pork.
Why should Taxpayers support it?
give them nothen
they should have executed him….
Tell the other inmates they’ll never have bacon again because of the Muzlims, then stand back and watch !
Well not all inmates are Muslim , going to be some pissed off convicts
It’ll all be reversed when Trump’s elected…
mooslam bammy is in charge!
boys in prison need to stand up and bring bacon home