Late last year Congress passed the Intelligence Authorization Act for 2015. This gives the executive branch the power to spy on American citizens’ private communications, but it also provides the legal authority to turn over what it gathers to local law enforcement.
This can be done without any court order being granted, all under the guigse of ‘fighting terror,’ of course.
I wonder if we don’t deserve what we are getting. We put
Him in. Twice—not me–but someone. Did—
what a piece of trash this douche of a president, this guy is!!!!
Awake Yet????
When have we the people had enough. NOW
Are they going to wear thier non threatening uniforms while they spy on me?
Obamas spy orders…
May i share you’re comment sir?
If I was a police officer, a member of the Armed forces or any form of law enforcement I would disregard his unlawful orders. I would perform my duties within the guidelines of the law because I wouldn’t want anybody to violate my, family or friends rights.
I agree, Obama and Congress should be impeached.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop the Muslim Obama