Late last year Congress passed the Intelligence Authorization Act for 2015. This gives the executive branch the power to spy on American citizens’ private communications, but it also provides the legal authority to turn over what it gathers to local law enforcement.
This can be done without any court order being granted, all under the guigse of ‘fighting terror,’ of course.
no electricity, no technology
yeah, he was killed for what he was going to expose
hey mr policemen, u can kiss my red neck behind if u r reading this along with ur high and mighty boss
Point blank arresting him is the thing to do
NSA has always been excluded from obeying any privacy laws that were not specifically written identifying them in the laws. Not subjected to compliance. Cuba also has the Lourdes listening station there; set up by the Russians; to listen to all electronic communications all the way up to the Midwest area. Your phone conversations, and email are not private; nor have they been for some time.
As for me i dont say nothing you would worry about but the invasion of privacy by this administration is worse than any ever before in all American history.
This insufferable Ingrate Idiot is acting just like $#%&!@*.
There goes some more of the cons$#%&!@*ution down the tubs every week obama just has to do something to keep our minds off what he is really doing to this country and that is destroying our cons$#%&!@*ution and this country ?? and he is doing it one small peace at a time??