Late last year Congress passed the Intelligence Authorization Act for 2015. This gives the executive branch the power to spy on American citizens’ private communications, but it also provides the legal authority to turn over what it gathers to local law enforcement.
This can be done without any court order being granted, all under the guigse of ‘fighting terror,’ of course.
Time to start call your rep, stop them and stop obama
And you can take that off
And you can take that off too
And here we like sitting ducks are waiting for him to destroy this nation.
This is wrong we have a right to privacy just another attack on our freedoms!
Uncons$#%&!@*utional c**p that needs to change
Where do i sign
It’s about time for a second civil war
No he has done things wrong and I’ve disagreed with him. But he is also man enough to admit that he has made mistakes.