Late last year Congress passed the Intelligence Authorization Act for 2015. This gives the executive branch the power to spy on American citizens’ private communications, but it also provides the legal authority to turn over what it gathers to local law enforcement.
This can be done without any court order being granted, all under the guigse of ‘fighting terror,’ of course.
loo, othing surprises me, hope he likes reading about my Dr. appts
Term limits, third party, votes recalled. All but a small few need impeached. They are doing NOTHING to help the US Citizens; except for a handful that are still trying.
July 18, 2015
Tuesday, July 14, 2015: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, woe to America, as well as Sodom and Gomorrah, for you all will suffer punishment on the judgment day. Your recent Supreme Court decisions of approving gay marriage and your Obama Care Law are placing more nails in your coffin as a nation. Your nation’s sin can be measured by your laws and decisions that defy My Commandments. By forcing your states to accept these sins as legal, you are going against My plan for your lives. Even My faithful can be put into prison for calling $#%&!@*sexual acts sins, according to your hate crime laws. You will be facing more destructive storms, earthquakes, and bankruptcies as a punishment for your sins. America needs to repent, or many of your people will be going down to the nether world, as the cities I condemned in today’s Gospel.”…/07/18/tuesday-july-14-2015/
Nothing he does suprises me. He is sneaky, low down, rotten & no good. He is a low life criminal. Worst of the worst.
no matter what anyone thinks on this subject, it is a very dangerous thing imposed on american citizens because selected people will be chosen at random and spied upon and nothing will be sacred again with our free speech. each day we move closer to the second coming of jesus christ and when that rapture hits, obama and michelle will both age faster in 2 seconds that normal people would age in 200 years. there will no way out for them and no way out for those in our government who sold their souls to this president. i would never want to be in their shoes.
Really? Is that freedom?
nancy you are so right. our congress is worthless and useless. what is not getting thru to many is that they are legally our representatives and without them, we have nothing, no legal way to actually get the attention of the whitehouse in a serious manner. so we in america are having our hands tied in a very slick and manipulative way. this is a dangerous thing that is happening right now
sharon horstman, i hate to say this but our congress is growing older itself and as the saying goes, they are getting while the getting is good. nothing for america