If you go to any college campus you will see the left’s assault on the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Liberals only support the First Amendment so far as it fits into their left-wing agenda. The Second Amendment, however, has absolutely no place in the United States according to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other liberals.
Hillary Clinton has spent much of her time on the campaign trail railing against American citizens’ rights to keep and bear arms. Clinton recently told supporters behind closed doors that “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment.”
Despite the fact that the United States Supreme Court has upheld Second Amendment rights, lower circuit courts have chipped away at these rights on many occasions.
On Thursday, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals — located in the liberal Mecca of San Francisco — ruled in a 7-4 decision that Americans do not have a constitutional right to concealed carry firearms. To read their explanation — and why gun advocates are sure to challenge the ruling — continue reading on the next page:
There’s nothing wrong with that, in fact that’s a good thing. But the public will demonize you and call you an extremist. Then again, weren’t our founding fathers considered extremists at one time? And now they are honored as great men who set up this great nation and it’s fundamentals. The Constitution is more than just a part of our law, it’s a way of life. You carry out with you wherever you exercise your freedoms. It’s something that every human should be born with. No court has the right to take away my means of defending myself. I’ll be dead and gone before I give up that freedom.
Time to start circling the wagons!
Communist California courts
You have the right to carry ..end of
Lost in translation is the founders benchmark standard of personal responsibility. So many people have been convinced that you don’t have to be responsible for anything, like Obama, just blame someone or something else.
its not just our government pushin gun control, the united nations, brits, and a few other countries, are pushin our government for this as well
Time for us citizens to conceal and carry for our protection!
Well, that’s not really up to the Feds now, is it?
When the Muslims come a-knockin get your purse right between the eyes