If you go to any college campus you will see the left’s assault on the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Liberals only support the First Amendment so far as it fits into their left-wing agenda. The Second Amendment, however, has absolutely no place in the United States according to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other liberals.
Hillary Clinton has spent much of her time on the campaign trail railing against American citizens’ rights to keep and bear arms. Clinton recently told supporters behind closed doors that “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment.”
Despite the fact that the United States Supreme Court has upheld Second Amendment rights, lower circuit courts have chipped away at these rights on many occasions.
On Thursday, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals — located in the liberal Mecca of San Francisco — ruled in a 7-4 decision that Americans do not have a constitutional right to concealed carry firearms. To read their explanation — and why gun advocates are sure to challenge the ruling — continue reading on the next page:
It’s like your decision matters
The right to keep and bear arms which means we don’t have to conceal are guns we can carry it wherever we want
It’s my right
The 2nd amendment says the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. The 10th amendment states that the government doesn’t have the authority to grant itself, new authority. The states can’t pass laws that are against the Constitution. Passing laws that go against the Constitution, is called insurrection. Enforcement of laws that violate the Constitution is called, insurrection. See Article 1 section 15.
We are not bound to follow those who have guns, without the actual authority to use those guns.
The Constitution was written to limit the individuals of the State. Not to limit the power of the people.
All you need is a permit. Apply for one with good reason.
If you want to discuss constitutionality, your constitutional does include bearing arms. And every single word of gun control legislation is an INFRINGEMENT of that right!! So come on cowboys/girls. Wear them on your hips and really scare the$#%&!@*out of the$#%&!@* whiny, need a safe space liberals
Perhaps they need to READ the constitution first before making such a ridiculous ruling.
The 2nd amendment guarantees the citizens the right to “bear” arms. This means to carry arms, arms being a weapon, thus it is unconstitutional to rule otherwise. I have heard the ridiculous claims that if one were to interpret the 2nd amendment as meaning any arms, ie. nuclear weapons, tanks, missiles, etc, that anyone could own such things. However, I think the founders meant within reason. For instance, i doubt it was necessary for an individual to protect their private property with a cannon in 1776, but they might have needed a rifle or pistol. Same to day, I don’t believe any reasonable person is going to drive an armored tank to work or the store, but having a pistol for protection is not unreasonable. If legal gun owners are not allowed to carry (bear) guns (arms) the only people who will have guns are criminals, (and police, but let’s face it there’s almost never a cop around when you need one) and that puts lives in danger, and is Unconstitutional.
Trump 2016