Led by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the left continues its crusade against Americans’ Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. President Obama recently enacted executive action to institute stricter gun control regulations. The woman he hopes to take his place in the Oval Office — Hillary Clinton — was recently recorded in a closed-door speech to donors saying that she believes “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment.”
Hillary Clinton has had to swing to the left in order to appeal to Democratic primary voters over socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. One issue on which Clinton naturally “out-liberals” the aging Marxist is the issue of gun control. And, Clinton has gone all-in on the gun debate.
Want to put a liberal between a rock and a hard place? Ask them whether illegal immigrants should have Second Amendment rights. Recently, a federal appeals court was posed that very question. To read what the court ruled, continue reading on the next page:
But citizens don’t??
Illegal immigrants have ZERO Constitutional Rights…
Send them back to save your country…send them millions to help them ..their government will use it to kill them off…so keep them in our countries and kill us?…thats the only reason they fled to other countries. .sent out by their countries to kill the worlds infidels. .
Our Stupid governments don’t believe that ..ignorance is bliss,
The hell they do
Drop a bomb on them all right where they are
Illegal immigrants have no rights
These judges need to be fired and deported