The growing discontent within our military over how Obama is conducing the faux war on ISIS is making its way into mainstream media more and more.
Due to onerous rules of engagement, our armed forces are being held back from what they were trained to do, and could easily do, to take out America’s latest terror threat.
Now, we get word from U.S. military pilots on exactly what they are having to go through just to do their jobs….
they are firing at me ,can I fire back? an hour later. Obama, No
Eric Jackson Conan C Jackson Sr
Laura Langkop
Elaine Borunda
He will not kill them. He is trying to get them to kill us.
Timothy Soules
Hanging would be the best thing!
LeRoy Tulenchik I prefer a military firing squad. I bet they could get a lot of volenteers for THAT duty!
in times of war let the generals and the admirals do the fighting,let the politicians do what they do best,b******t people to get elected and b******t people to get re-elected
We need to stop listening to anything from mainstream media because they are not reporting the truth, only what they want to report. The situation with the military is dumbama trying to keep them under his control so they are not effective against his muslim brotherhood. He is a menace, traitor and AH who needs to be impeached.