Former congressional candidate Gavin Seim, 29, of Ephrata, PA is one fierce patriot. After being arrested for mere act of asking a police officer why he was pulled over – not an exaggeration – Seim and his father found themselves battling a county courtroom through a series of alleged violations of their Constitutional rights.
In this fiery video, Seims vehemently draws lines in the sand as outlined by the Constitution – not only refusing to give an inch to perceived violations, but calling out the judge directly as a lawbreaker in need of arrest.
“I am telling you you are in contempt of this court. Do we need to arrest you ma’am?” Seim fiercely challenges the judge.
Seim is the personification of how many Constitutionalists and Conservatives feel nationwide.
When the country took GOD and prayer out of schools and everywhere, this is what you get. Riots, violence, hate, government corruption, lies, murder etc. Repent, ask GOD to forgive our bation, return to HIM and see great changes! Amen!
ood job Law enforcement
people need to respect the law there job is hard enough with the jerks out there trying to gun them all down
His rights were violated. When you’re in that position come back and talk smack
Look at those fat idiot cops and read their faces…. “OMG YES! WE GET TO ATTACK AND DRAG A DUDE OUT!! SWEEEEEET **DROOL** “
The Police forces ran by the archbischops blue mass overseen by the jesuit presidents of their various universities , every archbischop controls a huge city and its police force.
Yep. 4 years ago, someone stole a bottle of my wife’s prescription pain meds. She reported this to her doctor and to the police.
Last year, the police came to her work, at a daycare, and arrested her. Apparently, whoever stole her pills sold them to an undercover officer. THREE YEARS later, they decide to pursue the case. Their evidence? They claimed to have a video that showed the label on the pill bottle. A video that mysteriously wouldn’t play beyond the 3 second mark. When it was pointed out that she had notified the authorities of the theft as soon as she learned of it?
To quote the judge: “You can’t prove that you didn’t just give them to someone else to sell.” Oh, did I forget to mention? The description of the seller was given as: 5’9″, caucasian, about 120 lbs. My wife is 5’4″, hispanic, and 175 lbs.
Possession of Paraphernalia (?)
8 weekends in jail
1 year probation
$5000 fine (plus court costs and $3000 (!) bail, for someone who had never been in legal trouble in her life.)
This is happening everywhere.
That’s messed up.
Caleb Campbell
Devin Bass watch the whole thing