Outsider candidates in both parties have bemoaned what they believe is a crooked campaign system, from the outsets of their campaigns. On the Democratic side, socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has been a staunch opponent of big money in politics. Sanders often boasts to supporters that he is the only candidate without a Super PAC — a claim that the Washington Post has found to be misleading at best. However, Sanders’ campaign has mostly thrived on numerous smaller, individual donations.
Donald Trump takes a similar approach to big money and Super PACs as Sanders, but also has a unique perspective — he used to be one of those big donors buying influence. One of the most important aspects of Trump’s appeal is that he cannot be bought off by rich donors because he’s “really really rich.”
Now, in a report sure to raise some eyebrows among Trump supporters, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) is investigating why a Ted Cruz Super PAC gave $500k to his then-rival Carly Fiorina’s Super PAC. Was some sort of deal struck with the woman who is now his running mate? Continue reading on the next page to read what the FEC is saying:
he got cought with his hand in the cookie jar cruz did.
he had to pay her to accept the VP with his run, LOL that is funny. man is he getting desperate.
Lyin Ted and ugly Carly. Yuck
sb kai samnai h Ap ko pta h Ap hi hisb lagien
At least he’s better than that fraud Trump.
prison for Obama, Clintons and their minions
2 FEC investigations ongoing and a new complaint filed last Friday. One for $500,000 paid to Carly campaign, another for loans from Goldman Sachs and in this one he refuses to give the FEC the Records. Now the new one for violating federal election laws. Whoops Ted. Then there is buddy Carly, Who circumvented an Embargo against Iran to sell millions of printers. In my opinion that’s traitorous. Killed 30,000 American jobs, outsourced jobs to China, and was forced out of HP. She mocks rich saying she is an average person. When did $59 MILLION become average? Vote Trump!
He also said he WOULD use executive orders. Oh boy. First day even. Executive order away all Obama’s executive orders. Sound like trading one first term senator for another. Vote Trump.