Outsider candidates in both parties have bemoaned what they believe is a crooked campaign system, from the outsets of their campaigns. On the Democratic side, socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has been a staunch opponent of big money in politics. Sanders often boasts to supporters that he is the only candidate without a Super PAC — a claim that the Washington Post has found to be misleading at best. However, Sanders’ campaign has mostly thrived on numerous smaller, individual donations.
Donald Trump takes a similar approach to big money and Super PACs as Sanders, but also has a unique perspective — he used to be one of those big donors buying influence. One of the most important aspects of Trump’s appeal is that he cannot be bought off by rich donors because he’s “really really rich.”
Now, in a report sure to raise some eyebrows among Trump supporters, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) is investigating why a Ted Cruz Super PAC gave $500k to his then-rival Carly Fiorina’s Super PAC. Was some sort of deal struck with the woman who is now his running mate? Continue reading on the next page to read what the FEC is saying:
Wake Up America!! You the Silent Majority needs to get off your$#%&!@* and Vote for who is going to Make America Great Again!! It’s is not a democrat, or lying guy from TX either. Both are financed by big business and special interest groups. Both are just a poor choice to be in office specially after the fool in office now!! If the Republican party takes this away from the one with the most votes, regardless if he reached that magic number, he’s has the best interest of our country in mind if not, why are there so many fools from both sides trying to tear him down?? Its FEAR that is in their minds, fear of losing their gravy train!! And don’t give a dam about us and the USA!!! Wake Up America!! Let’s get together and Make America Great Again!!!
Two total scum losers can’t stop Donald. Go Donald all the way to the White House 2016.
New name for cruz CCC+1 Creepy Copy Cat Cruz. Carly is Mr. Ed.
CREEPY Ted Cruz is a total waste of oxygen.
Carly and Cruz r having an affair? The nose just keeps growing.
Plain and simple u r a total SCUM BAG cruz. He has already proven
how dishonest he is in government. Bought and paid for by Sores.
cruz is the most dishonest lying SOB I have ever seen. Heidi should
dump this$#%&!@*before its to late knowing he has been so unfaithful
to you.
corrupt politicians colluding together………..America needs TRUMP!!!
Why look into it if your not going to do anything about it,
More crooked$#%&!@*by politicians. This sneaky$#%&!@*will go on if he ever. Witch will never happen Gets in . More back door bull$#%&!@*.
Pay them ? Hell no ! Give them a choice,they can leave sitting up in the saddle or draped over it face down .
Thank you. Why does he keep breaking the rules
Dirty backroom deals out in the open !