There is fraud in a government program? Say it isn’t so! “Massive fraud” is the allegation federal regulators are charging Total Call Mobile, a Lifeline provider in 19 states, with “systematic and egregious misconduct” and “widespread enrollment fraud.”
But it gets worse, though the fraud was uncovered, the release of the Notice of Apparent Liability was delayed until the day after the expansion of the Lifeline Program was put through. Tens of millions of tax-payer dollars were swindled by Total Call Mobile and the Federal Communications Commission will seek $51 million dollars in damages.
Total Call requested and received about $9.7 million in payments for ineligible or duplicate Lifeline beneficiaries, pilfering the extra proceeds. Though stern warnings were given to the sales agents, the pervasive fraud continued.
Read the whole ugly cover up on the following page.
sure wish I could get a free phone, my phone is expensive…I tried to enroll, I made $40 over their limit
Biggest disgrace America has ever known !!!!!
AMERICA WANTS TRUMP……Make America Great Again.
Obama are you talking to your boyfriend. …
They are not the same. Tuck yourself in into the military this time!
Ya! Stop fucking the kid. Check out the year 1921 instead of 1962!!
Not only did he commit treason, now we can add fraud. It’s like the Top Democratic leaders are Untouchables.
WHY is this guy NOT IN JAIL!!??!!
fraud and waste of precious tax dollars taken from working Americans was perpetrated under Obama? hard to believe, isn’t it? wake up liberals….you’ve been had if you are a working tax payer!!!