“The American people are being misled about President Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet,” stated FCC commissioner Ajit Pai during a press conference Tuesday.
Pai states that the new proposals, which have yet to be fully released, “explicitly opens the door to billions of dollars in new taxes on broadband” and it will give the FCC “broad and unprecedented discretion to micro-manage the Internet.”
And yet after all the truth that has come out about Obama, idiots still support this.
I’m surprised he hasn’t been assassinated yet, oh sorry, that only happens to good people
Just another way to control us lier
Is it going to be like Obama Care?
they are after facebook where stuff they are up to is reveiled and lots of the public are brought up to date, also the REAL number for or against stuff is shown
It will be much worse. Looks like it’s back to smoke signals and mirrors.
MUSLIM CRIMINAL TAKE OVER ==Arrest Barack Hussein Obama and charge with Treason
All under the Guise of fairness for all… Bunch of malarkey
Take controll of all comunications, take over all, transportation, kind of sounds like something GeorgeOrwell would come up with; except he didn’t mention putting Muslims in charge!
How much longer before congress takes action and impeaches this man before he destroys this country and the world