We continue to uncover the incredibly vast surveillance network of the federal government and the innumerable methods they employ to spy on Americans.
They seem to have an insatiable appetite when it comes to spying on Americans. Now we discover that the FBI is operating scores of small, low-flying aircraft within a nationwide, covert air force for the surveillance of Americans.
Man gets 14 years for pointing laser at helicopter…..Ha..Ha..Ha….
They use those light weight crafts as well and spend too much money having fun messing with people. They need to have their funding cut by about 80% if you ask me
yet isis is killing thousands
Lol this is such bull $#%&!@*. You conspiracy theorists need to relax.
Shoot them down
Just another gang stalking technique,used by this criminal administration to har$#%&!@* the citizens
I think they believe we are just going to lay down. Big surprise our numbers are growing should be very interesting.
Give it time and somebodies gonna start shooting them down.geez.
Glad I don’t live in a major city !