The Obama administration is planning to carry out what Judge Andrew Napolitano slammed as “a major step towards a police state.”
Seeking to expand the already-incredible power of the FBI further, the administration has begun lobbying on behalf what it claims is a minor change to existing law regarding government surveillance. Indeed, according to FBI director James B. Comey, the change is nothing more than the correction of “a typo” in the current law.
But this is not what tech companies and firms, who are the primary party affected by the law, say the government is trying to do. Instead, they warn that the administration is trying to increase the FBI’s power to spy on Americans.
More specifically, opponents of the proposed “fix” claim it will permit the bureau to search “electronic communication transactional networks” without having to obtain a warrant from a judge. That means the FBI will be free to snoop through Americans’ Internet histories and even see how long users spend on certain sites.
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Big Surprise Here !
How bout the fbi finish locking up tht p.o.s woman I mean democrat nominee 1st !
Not a President of the U.S.
The 1st amendment gives us the right to voice out opinions
They would catch more terrorists by catching them as they enter the country at the border than they ever could by monitoring the Internet ASSHOLES
I Think its already being done!
When they search mine I’ll just say: Screw your worthless F.B.I. ’cause none of you all would have the balls to raid a south valley Mexican bar in Albuquerque!!!
Our government does not care about our freedom they are counting on there muslims to do there dirty ready.
Against the law. You will have every American filing law suit huge one against you for violating the Constitution. It will put a end to you criminals for ever